Why is it important to use Specialist Insurers to look after Classic and High Performance Cars?

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Why is it important to use Specialist Insurers to look after Classic and High Performance Cars?

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  • Posted by: Castleacre

Castleacre Director Mark Hewlett, explains the value of specialist insurance when it comes to the ownership of classic and high-performance cars

The attractions of owning a classic or high-value car can be wrapped up in the design, performance, build and history of the car, often it is a heady combination of all four elements and the value to each owner is very individual.

Cars are of course particularly vulnerable to claims and there is a large competitive market for car insurance but many ‘off the peg’ policies don’t offer the detailed protection that these vehicles require.

As brokers, working on behalf of our clients to find the right insurer, we look at how a policy will perform in a claims scenario. We also take into account the extra time and cost involved in reinstating or replacing one of these special vehicles.

We ask whether the insurer will

  • allow the owner to choose where the vehicle is repaired?
  • offer a guarantee that only original maker’s parts will be used?
  • accept an agreed value in the event of a total loss so the owner knows exactly what to expect in financial compensation?
  • offer compensation for any loss in value to the vehicle as a result of damage?
  • ensure like for like car hire while the vehicle is repaired?
  • provide replacement key cover?

Not every car owner requires all these options and not all insurers* will provide them, but below is a real-life claim illustrating how tailored car insurance can help secure a positive outcome following an accident
(*terms apply for individual insurers)

Case Study

What happened when a client’s S-Class Mercedes-Benz sustained a large crack to the rear windscreen?

This vehicle was less than 18 months old, and the owner was concerned about the potential loss in value to his vehicle if an unbranded windscreen was used to replace it. He also wanted to ensure that the replacement screen was correctly calibrated. The insurer we had recommended to our client authorised the work using original parts with the Mercedes-Benz main dealer on the same day that the quote was submitted. Our client had the reassurance of using a garage they knew and trusted. The total claim was just over €1800, a figure that would normally exceed the windscreen limits on some standard policies. The insurer kept their promise not to penalise the client for a windscreen claim and, there was NO uplift in the renewal premium, despite the significant cost of the claim.

Arranging Specialist Motor Insurance with Castleacre

As insurance intermediaries, we work solely on your behalf to find the best policy for your needs. We find out how you wish to use your vehicle and help identify the flexibility you need in your insurance cover, whether for an individual car or a collection. We also help you prioritise risks and cover so that if you need to make a claim you won’t be disappointed in the outcome.

If you would like advice on your current motor insurance without any obligation I would be delighted to talk to you.

Please call me on +353 (0)86 022 7799 or email me at markhewlett@castleacreinsurance.com